Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMCs)
We undertake Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC) for monitoring instruments of our make as well as other selected reputed makes.
With the help of our skilled team, we are able to rectify the faults developed in these instruments. Our factory is strategically located in Mumbai, the Nuclear capital of India. We employ more than 30 electronic engineers/ Technicians, Radiation Safety Officers; we have wide variety of radioactive test sources / calibration sources to do the testing and calibration of these instruments. Both of our calibration labs (0-5R/h) & (0-100R/h) are recognized by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board of India. We have traceable radiation test facility up to 1000R/hr & contamination test facility in bq/cm2. We have in-house electronics and mechanical workshop.
With the expertise of our AMC team, we ensure smooth functioning, minimum down time and long life of Radiation Monitoring Systems & Instruments.
We generally take AMCs with 4 to 6 preventive maintenance visits added by emergency visits as per customer's requirements (annual). Extra visits are chargeable. In general our AMCs are partly comprehensive which include all general electronic components.
Kindly let us know if you have any requirements of AMCs. If so, please send the list of instruments with Sr.No., Type No., Make & present status of the instrument. Against your list, we will send you our instrument wise budgetory AMC offer.