* PLA now has NABL Accredited LAB which can Calibrate Radiation Monitors upto 1000 R/h *

PLA Electro Appliances Pvt. Ltd. has in-depth range of nuclear radiation calibration & testing facilities. It is broadly classified into two divisions:

  • NABL accredited & AERB recognized calibration laboratory.
  • Testing & Calibration facility under manufacturing division, which is BARC traceable.

1. NABL Accredited & AERB recognized Calibration Laboratory:

PLA Electro Appliances Pvt. Ltd. (Calibration Lab) is NABL accredited lab as per ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and AERB recognized. It is also india's first ever AERB recognized Radiation Calibration Lab since 2012.It is a eperate legal entity, which confirms to the impariality clause of ISO/IEC 17025:2017. There are two calibration facilities with different isotopes/energies:

  • High Radiation Calibration Facility
  • Dose Rate: This is india's highest range NABL accredited private calibration lab using Co-60(1.3MeV). Calibration of high range survey meters, teletectors, area gamma monitors etc. is carried out in this lab for instruments ranging upto 1000 R/h.
  • Dose: This facility is accredited for Dose measurement from 1µSv to 10 Sv.
    • Radiation Calibration Facility
  • Dose Rate: This is the highest range private lab for instruments ranging up-to 10 R/h using Cs-137 isotope. Cs-137 is world wide used isotope for calibration as it's energy (661 keV) is at the center of widely used energy band (60KeV-1.3MeV) in case of Radiation Protection Instruments. Hence calibrtion done with Cs-137 (661 keV) is considered to be better than Co-60 (1.3 MeV). Calibration of survey meters, area gamma monitors, pocket dosimeters is carried out in this lab for instruments ranging up-to 10 R/h. Contamination monitors & isotope identifiers having R/h or Sv/h range can also be calibrated by this lab.
  • Dose: This facility is accredited for Dose measurement from 1µSv to 10 Sv.
  • 2. Testing & Calibration Facility under manufacturing division, which is BARC traceable, however not accredited by NABL.

    • Surface Contamination Monitors Calibration & Test Facility:

    BARC calibrated surface area spread sources are used by this facility. Pu-239 is used for Alpha & Sr90 Y90 is used for Beta. Portal monitors, hand monitors, pancake based instruments, alscin monitors etc with ranges in Bq/cm2, Bq, dpm, dps are calibrated. And ranges in cpm, cps and counts are tested for efficiency.

    • Spot Contamination Test Facility:

    This facility is for testing of efficiency of various contamination monitors with point sources (disk source) using Am-241, Sr90 Y90 etc. isotopes.

    • Spectrometer Testing Facility:

    Identification capability of various spectrometers such as isotope identifier, RIIDEYE etc. is tested in this facility using various isotopes. Identification capability is also tested with mixed isotopes.

    • Very High Dose Rate Facility upto 15000 R/h:

    Instruments ranging upto 15000 R/h are calibrated in this facility. This facility is for Radiation Protection Level Instruments and not for SSDs.

    • Other Facilities:

    Calibration of low energy gamma survey meters at 60 keV using Am-241 is done in this facility using BARC calibrated instrument.
    Neutron survey meters, X-ray survey meters are also calibrated in this facility.

    Radiation Monitors For Survey & Contamination

    Over 4 Decades Of Experience